The TransHuman Code, the first interactive “knowledge” platform for managing the convergence of humanity and technology.

Informing and engaging all citizens of the world about the dynamic influences of technology in our personal, communal and professional lives, The TransHuman Code is redefining the hierarchy of needs and how we will meet them in the future.
Originated by WISeKey and authored by Carlos Moreira and David Fergusson, The TransHuman Code features key insights from the world’s premier authorities on the application of AI, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, IoT, and Robotics to transhuman… education, employment, communication, transportation, communities, security, government, food, finance, entertainment and health.
The TransHuman Code Davos Gathering of Minds was introduce first in January 2018 and will come back to Davos in January 2019.
The core premise of the transHuman code platform is a multi-billion-stakeholder approach to the invention of our future. We simply ask this: What if we all agreed to the meeting of our most basic, common, and critical needs? And what if we agreed to global accountability to this end? It is possible and, in many ways, quite necessary.
With enough collective intelligence and effort, this platform will, like an Artificial Intelligence powered Operating System, not only power the world we desire for humans but also guard against anything hostile to it. In doing so, it will act much like our own immune systems, able to detect a virus and immediately set out to attack it.
While it is also possible that this human-centric future we imagine will occur without global consensus, history suggests that it won’t. It is time we humble ourselves and agree that no one constituent, industry, or county has the perfect answer. There are enemies of humanity—some of whom don’t see themselves as such. There are also many self-interests posing as friends of humanity. These are difficult to spot and avoid if we are divided; they are not difficult to spot if we share the same vision. ( Every human matters, today. Not only from a humanitarian standpoint, either, but also from a very practical standpoint.
Next year it will be 70 years since the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration is a ground-breaking agreement affirming the rights of individual citizens, humans, including the right to freedom from discrimination, the right to education, the right to a free and fair world and many more.
As a technological revolution, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is changing the way we live, work and interact with one another. It also has the potential to both challenge and uphold human rights and challenge humanity all together.
Technology will define us, instead of the other way around, if we allow fragmented innovation and adoption. That’s not to say we advocate a universal system of laws to constrain us. It is to say that unless (at least) the majority of us put humanity first, and assert ourselves in this cause, another majority will arise, as it always has. And it generally forms by way of either force or finance. These cannot weigh down the future we desire, let alone derail it altogether.
It’s no longer enough to assert that democracy is supreme. Democracy must be shaped by us, through the one global relationship that can either destroy it or elevate it indefinitely: humanity’s partnership with technology. How we lead, or don’t lead, this partnership over these next few years will define life on this planet indefinitely. Let’s lead. All of us. Together.