Device Identity
Lifecycle Management
Establish Internet of Trusted Things: with strong device identity, authentication, data encryption and digital signing, using publicly or privately trusted digital certificates
Device Provisioning and certificate lifecycle management at scale
WISeKey, as an enterprise-grade trust services partner, simplifies the customer journey to make use of digital certificates.

INeS Certificate Management System:
- Allows your company to reap the benefits of using identity-based certificates without deploying a complex and expensive infrastructure
- Eliminates certificate-related outages with certificate lifecycle
- Reduces cyber risk and improves security posture

WISeKey Offering
Secure Device Provisioning As a Service – with protected device registration and provisioning for every internet of Things (IoT) device on a network, using certificates bound to the device
Streamline Certificate Lifecycle Management – with automated certificate provisioning, renewal and revocation for IoT endpoint devices
Flexible Platform – This service enables:
- Multiple Certificate Templates
- Multi-Tenant access, isolating the data of each customer
- Possibility to deploy dedicated CAs for the customer, or use WISeKey’s Trusted CAs
- Possibility to deploy a fully dedicated and isolated infrastructure, not sharing any resource with other customers
Enhance Platform integration – with flexible interface (API) that integrates with ANY external platforms and services, including out-of-the-box integration with Amazon.
INeS Device Identity Platform
WISeKey Managed PKI Offering
WISeKey offers two Managed PKI models:
- Private PKI (Private Root) for organizations that need full control over certificate policies and root key distribution
- Dedicated Issuing CA (Shared Root) that provides a low-cost alternative for organizations that just need digital certificates to secure devices
WISeKey provides optionally consultancy and development services, enabling easy integration of the certificate management with the business processes.
WISeKey solutions secure IoT Device
from Manufacturing to Provisioning
INeS, the most flexible solution for securing IoT Devices enables PKI to be implemented during device manufacturing process by a hardware manufacturer or deployed remotely during a customer’s initial device setup or configuration. INeS combined with VaultITrust and VaultIC Secure Elements solves manufacturer challenge in zero-trust manufacturing sites.
- Benefits for Industrial IoT: Enterprises strengthen their digital business strategies. (Secure data / Secure control / Constrained devices)
- Benefits for Medical IoT: Entreprises know data is secure on the device and in transit. Entreprises meet compliance/privacy requirements. Encryption renders data unintelligible by unauthorized users

If you are interested in INeS, please contact us