Zermatt Summit 2018
Invitation to attend the 7th edition of the Zermatt Summit, September 21–23 2018, Zermatt, Switzerland
Dear friend,
We are proud to announce that WISeKey is a network partner of the 7th edition of the Zermatt Summit.
Nature can change the way we do business. That’s the promise of “Humanising Innovation”, the 2018 Zermatt Summit.
For centuries, we have plundered nature to get what we wanted. At a closer look, if we use what nature generously provides in abundance, we can serve the needs of people while regenerating and re-energizing our environment. If we use the space and resources available we can grow an abundance of food and fuel as well as create jobs and income for all. In nature, nobody is left behind and all needs are met.
The speakers at the 2018 Zermatt Summit will turn existing business models upside down. They will present inspiring and disruptive cases that show that doing business inspired by nature will serve the needs of people and planet while generating better results for owners, employees, shareholders, suppliers and customers.
Many of the cases and projects that will be presented—from seaweed and bioplastics to Internet over light waves—can be replicated around the globe. This provides unique opportunities to build new businesses and makes the 2018 Zermatt Summit a “must” to attend for business leaders, investors, thinkers and do-ers who want to lead innovation and contribute to groundbreaking change.
For more information on the program, registration fees, tickets, and speakers of the 2018 Zermatt Summit, visit our website: https://www.zermattsummit.org, or see the PDF program.
Please register with the discount code NETWORKPARTNER2018, which will provide a total discount of 20% on the entry fee.
For any further questions, we remain available,
Naturally yours,
Carlos Moreira
PS. A majority of conferences will be held in English but with French simultaneous translation.

September 21–23 2018
An economic revolution inspired by nature
Invitation to attend the 7th edition of the Zermatt Summit, September 21–23 2018, Zermatt, Switzerland
Dear friend,
We are proud to announce that WISeKey is a network partner of the 7th edition of the Zermatt Summit.
Nature can change the way we do business. That’s the promise of “Humanising Innovation“, the 2018 Zermatt Summit.
For centuries, we have plundered nature to get what we wanted. At a closer look, if we use what nature generously provides in abundance, we can serve the needs of people while regenerating and re-energizing our environment. If we use the space and resources available we can grow an abundance of food and fuel as well as create jobs and income for all. In nature, nobody is left behind and all needs are met.
The speakers at the 2018 Zermatt Summit will turn existing business models upside down. They will present inspiring and disruptive cases that show that doing business inspired by nature will serve the needs of people and planet while generating better results for owners, employees, shareholders, suppliers and customers.
Many of the cases and projects that will be presented—from seaweed and bioplastics to Internet over light waves—can be replicated around the globe. This provides unique opportunities to build new businesses and makes the 2018 Zermatt Summit a “must” to attend for business leaders, investors, thinkers and do-ers who want to lead innovation and contribute to groundbreaking change.
For more information on the program, registration fees, tickets, and speakers of the 2018 Zermatt Summit, visit our website: https://www.zermattsummit.org, or see the PDF program.
Please register with the discount code NETWORKPARTNER2018, which will provide a total discount of 20% on the entry fee.
For any further questions, we remain available,
Naturally yours,
Carlos Moreira,
PS. A majority of conferences will be held in English but with French simultaneous translation.